Take advantage of Itron’s expertise and experience to gain insightful knowledge and let us help you to improve your forecasts. For more than 30 years, Itron has trained hundreds of energy forecasters. Select from hand-on workshops, live webinars, attend an annual meeting to network with your peers or keep current by following our blog.
Lectures on real-world examples, demonstration of modeling techniques and hands-on exercises.
Brown Bag Webinars
Free hour-long internet seminars on a range of forecasting topics
Itron hosts several forecasting devoted meetings. Select the one best for you
Forecasting Workshops
Rely on Itron's forecasting training to provide your organization with increased knowledge, skills and confidence. We also provide on-site training and we can customize courses to meet the specific needs of your group.
Forecasting Brown Bag Webinars
Itron continues to host its popular free webinars on a range of forecasting topics and has consistently conducted over 100 engaging webinars over the last two decades. Itron is always at the forefront of the energy forecasting field. We help our customers around the world understand the complexities of energy forecasting and share our perspective on the latest forecasting issues and solutions. Take advantage of Itron’s expertise and experience to gain insightful knowledge and help you to improve your forecasts.
Forecasting and Load Research YouTube Library
Itron’s Forecasting group has conducted webinars on a variety of forecasting and load research-based topics for many years and continues to host new webinars every quarter. Past webinars were recorded and are available in a YouTube library.

Forecasting Workshops
Rely on Itron's forecasting training to provide your organization with increased knowledge, skills and confidence. We also provide on-site training and we can customize courses to meet the specific needs of your group.
Forecasting Meetings
Itron wants to share its knowledge and foster the sharing of ideas and solutions in the energy forecasting community. Itron coordinates several important meetings each year so that forecasters can come together and benefit from networking and sharing ideas. Consider attending one of the annual meetings listed below.
Forecasting 101 Workshop
This two- and half-day, hands-on workshop introduces the use of regression for forecasting applications. Designed for analysts and managers who are new to the forecasting area and do not have a background in statistical analysis. Participants will build sales and load forecasting models using linear regression and exponential smoothing models. 2024 dates and locations TBD
Fundamentals of Sales and Demand Forecasting Workshop
This two- and half-day, hands-on workshop expands on the use of linear regression models in developing sales, energy, and demand forecasts to support the financial and long-term planning processes. Participants will build weather-normalized sales models, develop customer class sales forecast models and estimate peak demand forecasts and address new emerging technologies. 2024 dates and locations TBD