Jennifer Blanco

Senior Forecast Consultant

<p><span>Jennifer is a Senior Forecast Consultant with Itron&rsquo;s Forecasting Division. She is responsible for managing automated demand forecasting system implementations and system upgrades. She is actively involved in the management process from beginning to end, including gathering requirements, system design, implementation, installation, and client software support. She has implemented automated demand forecasting systems for over 25 utilities, energy retailers, and ISO clients.<br /> <br /> She has demonstrated expertise in Itron&rsquo;s forecasting tools, forecasting problems, and software development process, and has strong technical and data manipulation and management skills, including the use of SQL Server and Oracle databases and VBA scripting. She is involved with software development projects associated with enhancements to Itron&rsquo;s automated demand forecasting system and Itron&rsquo;s Forecasting as a Service offerings. As a liaison between Itron's forecasting clients and the software development team, she assists with the prioritization of new features and software bugs. In coordination with Itron forecasting staff, she manages releases of Itron's automated demand forecasting software to meet project deadlines. <br /> <br /> She also manages software support for Itron&rsquo;s forecasting software for clients in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. With a strong understanding of statistical modeling and linear regression techniques used for energy load forecasting, she provides both software and model support to Itron's forecasting clients.</span></p> <p><span>Jennifer received her B.A. in Economics with a minor in Mathematics from the University of California, San Diego.</span></p>

Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> authorContentdata.items  [in template "44616#44647#183853" at line 20, column 22]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: authorContentitems = authorContentdat...  [in template "44616#44647#183853" at line 20, column 1]
2Add elements from the sidebar to define your template. Type "${" to use the 
3autocomplete feature. 
5<#-- *Permission issue with guest user* 
6<#assign currentEntry = (request.getAttribute("LIFERAY_SHARED_LAYOUT_ASSET_ENTRY"))! /> 
7<#assign classPK = currentEntry.classPK /> 
11currentURL = themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() 
12fullURLPath = currentURL?split("/") 
13urlData = fullURLPath[2] 
14removedParams = urlData?split("?") 
15friendlyURLPath = removedParams[0] 
19authorContentdata = restClient.get("/headless-delivery/v1.0/structured-content-folders/148280/structured-contents?filter=friendlyUrlPath%20eq%20%27" + friendlyURLPath + "%27") 
20authorContentitems = authorContentdata.items 
22<#if authorContentitems?has_content> 
24authorContent = authorContentitems[0] 
25contentFields = authorContent.contentFields 
27authorContentData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(authorContent) 
28friendlyURL = authorContentData.friendlyUrlPath 
29authorCategoryId = "0" 
32<#list categories as category > 
33				     <#assign authorCategoryId = category.taxonomyCategoryId /> 
34      </#list> 
37<span class="d-none" id="author-id">${authorCategoryId}</span> 
41  const authorID = document.getElementById("author-id").innerHTML; 
42  if(authorID) { 
43	setTimeout(function(){ 
44    document.querySelector('[name="categoryId"][value="'+authorID+'"]').closest('label').click() 
45  }, 1000); 